maximum potential

these are the thought starters, insights, and inspiration to get you, and the brands you manage, to reach your maximum potential

are you relevant?

relevant is a commonly misused word amongst marketers and advertisers.  although we espouse to be relevant, do our behaviors truly reflect that desire?  do we even know what it means?  here are a few definitions to consider:

  1. connected with or saying something important about what is being spoken about or discussed (password english learner’s dictionary)
  2. having significant and demonstrable bearing (relevant relation or interconnection) on the matter at hand  (merriam-webster online)
  3. “to be relevant is to be in the conversation that pop culture is having about any particular topic” (alex bogusky, partner at crispin, porter + bogusky)

are you or your brand saying anything important?  is there demonstrable proof of your connection with a certain subject?  is anyone talking about you?  if the answers are no,  you’re probably not as relevant as you think.

Filed under: lifemark, personal branding, , , , , ,



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